Going from being married to being single is one of the biggest adjustments you can make in your life, especially if you have been married for a number of years. You may feel a confusing mixture of emotions, including sadness, excitement, nostalgia and even bitterness. This is completely normal, so it is important to be patient with yourself during this time.
As family law specialists in Sydney, we have assisted many of our clients through the separation and divorce process, and here are some of our top tips for adjusting from being married to being single.
Surrounding Yourself With Supportive Friends And Family Members
This is a time in which you may feel very lonely. While having time to yourself can be healthy, do not pull away from those that love you. Learn to lean on trusted friends and family members for support.
Developing A Self-care Routine
Developing a self-care routine can boost your confidence and also assist in showing compassion for yourself.
Get Professional Help If You Need It
It is very common for people going through a separation or divorce to experience intense negative emotions that can be very difficult to deal with. There is no shame in seeking out professional help. In fact, this can help you in getting closure and attaining peace of mind.
Get Your Paperwork In Order
Now that you are divorced, there may be an intimidating amount of paperwork that needs to be changed. You may need to inform your insurance and place of work about your change in relationship status.
Work Towards Your Personal Goals
Marriage can often cause you to focus more on your spouse than on achieving your personal goals. Now that you are single again, it is time to assess what you want to get out of life and your priorities.
Make Changes To Parenting Plans If Need Be
If you and your ex-spouse have children, a parenting plan would have been implemented before the divorce. However, if you are now finding that the parenting plan is not really working out, this is the time to make the necessary changes.
Are you looking for the assistance of family law specialists in Sydney during your divorce or separation proceedings? At Lapointe Family Law, we have experienced and professional family lawyers that offer affordable, expert services. If you have any questions about these services, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.