If you’re in a position in which you have the opportunity to work with custom home builders in Sydney, you have so many options and customisations available to you! Try to avoid getting all of your inspiration from magazines and celebrity homes. Your new home should be fully suited to your family’s lifestyle and taste!
Here are some things to keep in mind when customising your new home to fit into your lifestyle:
Future Needs & Goals
While a two bedroom may fit your needs and budget today, what about five years down the line? Do you plan on expanding your family? While it can be difficult to plan for the future, it is always cheaper to build extra space when you build the first time around instead of adding extensions at a later stage.
Every family has different storage needs. Consider your personal storage needs carefully and ensure that your new home will have sufficient storage for what you need.
If you have pets, you may want to plan some of your home customisation around your furry friends. Think about flooring, yard space, pet feeding zones, and ensuring that they have a safe and secure environment.Entertaining
The entertainment area is a space that is often overlooked and which new homeowners may have regrets about. If you love to entertain, ensure that there is space designated for you to entertain comfortably. If you do not enjoy entertaining, perhaps don’t spend too much of your budget on this area.
Look & Feel
Whether you think you do or not, everyone has their own design preferences. You want your custom home to capture the essence of what makes you, well, you, and this is why the look and feel of your home are very important. If you are uncertain about your particular tastes, now is a good idea to start looking around you for inspiration and make a note of what appeals to you and what doesn’t.
Are you looking for custom home builders in Sydney? Willoughby Homes can fulfil all of your custom home design needs. Get in touch with us today to start designing your own custom home.